Causes of bedwetting – how to treat bedwetting?

There are a number of theories and causes of bedwetting as to the reasons why some children continue bedwetting long after others have become dry at night. Whatever the reason for the child continuing with bedwetting after their peers, there are now a number of products on the market that can help your child become dry at night and break the bedwetting cycle.
Causes of bedwetting – how to treat bedwetting?

One theory is that there is a problem with the brain getting the message that the bladder is full. The signal to empty the bladder doesn’t get through to the brain and wake the child up, so they urinate during sleep.

Another theory is that the child may have an overactive bladder that needs to empty urgently and regularly.

There are theories that suggest that the child may be lacking in the hormone called ‘vasopressin’ which helps the kidneys make less urine at night.

Constipation can also be cited as a reason, as when the bowel is full this can put pressure on the bladder, which in turn causes the need for urination.

Another theory about the reason for enuresis or bedwetting is emotional trauma. Louise Hay in her book ‘Heal Your Body’ says many illnesses can be related to specific emotional trauma. She believes that kidney disorders relate to the emotion – fear, and that bladder disorders relate to – disillusionment with those in control.

This theory makes sense to me as the parent of a bed wetter. Many times, the sheer frustration of persistent bedwetting and the consequent endless washing of bed linen has led to my own emotions going riot. Even though I hold back from blaming the child, the negativity is still within, and this is then transferred to the child, enhancing the traumatic cycle of enuresis. Children are sensitive, and pick up on suppressed emotions very quickly, and this can make them withdraw even more. Disillusionment and a sense of fear build up and this then can go on to affect other areas of the child’s life, especially if they have a sensitive nature. It is like a vicious cycle.

Treatments and Cures for Bedwetting

Whatever the reason for the child continuing with bedwetting after their peers, there are now a number of products on the market that can help your child become dry at night and break the bedwetting cycle. Whatever works for you and your child…..use it!

We suggest the Nighthawk Bedwetting Alarm as a first response to the issue. It is a drug-free, safe and discrete method of treatment and conditions the bedwetter in a healthy way to associate the feeling of a full bladder with waking up from sleep.

Throughout the Nighthawk’s 25 year career of curing bedwetters and keeping sheets dry, we have had thousands of emotional and joyous testimonials flooding our inboxes. It is a pleasure to see so many parents that have been pushed to the edge with frustration and feelings of helplessness finally overcome the issue in such an easy and effective way.

And so we highly recommend our Nighthawk bedwetting alarm with the utmost pride. It worked so well for my children that I quite literally bought the company when I found out the original inventor was retiring. We really think we have the best bedwetting alarm on the market.

Check out our Youtube channel for some reviews and testimonials!

If you’re passionate about this product or have had success with the Nighthawk, we’d love to hear from you at our Facebook!


The Nighthawk Team